Comprehensively understand the heat conduction material hexagonal boron nitride HBN

1. What is boron nitride?
Boron nitride is a crystal (BN) composed of nitrogen atoms and boron atoms, and its chemical composition is 43.6% boron and 56.4% nitrogen.

2. What are the classifications of boron nitride?

According to the crystal type, boron nitride is divided into hexagonal boron nitride, cubic boron nitride, rhombohedral boron nitride and wurtzite boron nitride. However, the current research on boron nitride mainly focuses on the two crystal forms of hexagonal boron nitride and cubic boron nitride. Hongwu Nano mainly focuses on the production and supply of hexagonal boron nitride powder, which includes three categories: nanometer, submicron and micron.

3. What are the physical and chemical properties of hexagonal boron nitride?
The crystal structure of hexagonal boron nitride has a similar layered structure of graphite, which is a white powder that is loose, lubricating, easy to absorb, and light in weight. The theoretical density is 2.29g/cm3, the Mohs hardness is 2, and the chemical properties are extremely stable. The product has high humidity resistance, and the temperature can reach 2800℃ when used in nitrogen or argon. It not only has a low thermal expansion coefficient, but also a high thermal conductivity. It is not only a good conductor of heat, but also a typical electrical insulator. The thermal conductivity of BN measured at 300k using high-purity single crystal is 730w/mk.

4. How is hexagonal boron nitride prepared?
There are many synthetic methods for hexagonal boron nitride, but the basic principle is that the boron source and the nitrogen source are heated and refined together. Hexagonal boron nitride is the most commonly used form of boron nitride. Its preparation methods include borax-urea method, hydrothermal synthesis method, chemical vapor deposition method and precursor method.
Compared with the process flow of various methods, it is not difficult to produce boron nitride, but the process conditions of each process have a great impact on the quality and output of the product. In order to reduce costs and improve quality, Hongwu Nano believes that several issues that must be paid attention to through production practices are: the purity and proportion of raw materials, the influence of reaction temperature and time, the influence of washing methods and the influence of drying processes. Of course, production equipment, production environment, etc. will have an impact to a certain extent.

5. What are the main application areas of hexagonal boron nitride?
Evaporation boat ceramic products;
LED thermally conductive packaging materials;
Boron nitride ceramic parts;
Additives for plastics and refractory materials;
Metallurgical stripping machine;
Thermal shielding materials in the aerospace field;
Atomic reactor structural materials;
Cosmetic fillers;
Laser anti-counterfeiting aluminized trademark hot stamping material.

If you need further inquiries about hexagonal boron nitride product information, please contact us online.