Something About Pure Nano Gold Powder

Can you imagine no bacterial clothing? Such clothing can be in the medical field is especially useful in health conditions, not only the important they can save a life! In particular, bacteria such as MRSA continue to threat the health of employees and medical clinics and medical centers with the whole world. Interestingly, a group of Professor developed a clothing anti bacteria, actually kill harmful microorganisms on the pants, shirt, etc..

Actually, numerous types of harmful bacteria exist in hospitals. However, MRSA causes the majority of the roughly 90,000 annual deaths that occur in the USA, due to bacteria.

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is the bacteria’s official name, although the media often refers to it as the “superbug.” MRSA can remain harmless sitting inside your nose or atop your skin. However, when you become weary, injured, or have undergone surgery recently, then MRSA can become harmful or even deadly.

One common way that MRSA can spread, is through clothing. Fortunately, some professors at Wilkes University (Pennsylvania) are working on a solution to this problem. They are using nanotechnology to sense bacteria and then destroy it. Nanotechnology involves working with objects that are so tiny that you need a powerful microscope to view them.

So what exactly are the searchers creating? They designed a machine that can coat fabrics with Pure Nano gold powder containing various materials. What are nanopowders, you ask? These are microscope particles whose diameters are tinier than one micrometer. In other words, they are roughly the viruses’ size. Because the naked eye cannot view them, a wearer of the treated clothing would not look like he had just rolled around in flour.

So how would the nanopowders work? After the special machine coats the fabric with the nanopowders, the fabrics could then detect and destroy particular bacteria that land on the surface of the clothing. Although washing clothing in antibacterial soap can currently destroy unwanted microbes, the nanopowders would perform that function between washings!

Unfortunately, even if the creation of the bacteria-killing fabric is a success, it might not appear on the market for several years. Until then, scrubs, such as cheap landau scrubs, are one of the best options for numerous types of medical personnel. Such attire is much more useful in preventing MRSA, than earlier medical attire and the original “medical attire”-street clothes, were.

In addition to being more hygienic than other types of clothing, scrubs also provide other benefits:

1、They are comfortable. Many people are even wearing scrubs for workouts, backpacking, and lounging. In fact, some people even wear scrubs as a substitute for pajamas!

2、They are available in a wide variety of colors, patterns, and sizes.

3、They are easy to wash, and they dry quickly.

Maybe one day we can purchase bacteria-killing clothing. Until that time, those in the medical field work can help prevent the spread of bacteria. The method includes clothes, transmission may limit microbial. Till clothing can make super bacteria skin, keep them at bay!